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I invite you to create a personal portrait pulled from the many layers of your life. Weave your story into the canvas with your personal keepsakes ~ lace, fabric and jewellery

IS YOUR inner muse longing to create a portrait, and build your Mixed Media skills?  ARE YOU ready to step away from online overwhelm and into a real, supportive community?  If this sounds like you - then what are you waiting for?!  


Hi, I’m Delight! I am a mixed media artist.

I live in a small village in Northern Ontario, Canada, where the natural beauty fuels my spirit. I show and sell my art in local galleries and offer art workshops, online, in person, and live on zoom. 

With certifications in colour therapy and therapeutic art-making, and degrees in both the arts and education, my creative journey revolves around healing through making art and sharing what I do and know with others. 


Creating mixed media collage art has been one of life's greatest gifts. It has given me a way to express, reflect, and heal from the loss of a living child. I’d love to support you as you use these same processes and techniques to find joy in your life while living through life’s most difficult times.

Places you can find me...

Screenshot 2023-12-16 at 6.03.24 PM Screenshot 2023-12-16 at 6.02.18 PM CMS24_IGstories_white  Screenshot 2023-12-16 at 6.01.33 PM As seen on 2 (1) As-seen-on-2-1--editedScreenshot 2023-12-16 at 6.00.19 PM   arts r us logoflowers magic logo


Exploring the Power of Intuitive Collage with a New Mini Muse


One with Nature ~ a new mini muse!

It’s been over a year since I created a mini muse. I don’t know why I’ve waited so long! I absolutely love the process of creating on a tiny little substrate. I’d forgotten just how fun and free the process is. I love working with the tiny scraps of paper and fabric, and how just the littlest detail can change so much. Being able to start and finish a piece of art no matter the size feels really good.

Creating intuitive collage art is such a deeply healing proces…

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"Never Been There, Never Done That" Summer Adventure List


Hello Creative Friends,

I recently listened to a new episode, ‘5 Fun Ideas to Shake Up Your Life & Get out of a Rut’ on the Mel Robbins Podcast, and it was the most perfect timing. I had already been thinking a lot about how much I benefit from breaks in my routine. Over the weekend, I tried a new yoga class with a friend and I shared with her how wellness retreats are a much-needed reset for me. The habits I pick up at these retreats often become part of my lifestyle, and their benefits last for…

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