Healing in Layers

Healing in Layers

Discovering Calm through Sound and Movement Art

we are precious
The calming effects of Sound and Movement are well known, why not add them to your art practice?

Combine the power of music with the freedom of movement and see what happens. You may find that you are able to create more expressive art and you will definitely have a difference art experience, if this type of creating is new to you.

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Creative Wellness

Craving a more holistic kind of creativity?

 — the kind that weaves wellness and art into all parts of life?

Join me on the path to creative wellness where we explore unique and inspiring ways to connect more deeply with ourselves through art.

Creating mixed media art, partners perfectly with creative wellness and for those looking to create as a tool for healing, this is it! It's very tactile, it's very free, it allows for introspection all the way through the process.

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Tips for creating stunning flat lay photos of your mixed media art

mini muse flat lay
Creating stunning flat lay photos of your art can be tricky, but SO worth it!

Here are my top tips to help you achieve the best results with your mixed media art:

Photographing mixed media art flat lays can be a great way to showcase the intricate details and textures of your mixed media artwork.

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I am halfway through a painting and feeling kind of stuck. There are things I really like about it and things I don’t like very much at all. I decided to visit the @yongestreetthrift store in my village #burksfalls and see what kind of inspiration I could find. After a fun half hour of exploring, I came home with fabric, lace, an embroidered tablecloth AND a brand new beautiful set of watercolour paints that will be wonderful for taking with me on a trip or into the woods.

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Self Care

There are those days when low mood makes everything a little harder.  

Sometimes these are the days where nothing I do on the canvas looks right.  

And that’s okay

The most important part is to listen and feel what your body and mind are saying.  

If you are tired. Rest

If you are hungry.  Eat. 

Don’t worry about emails or phone calls or social media.  

Whatever you are able to ignore until later.  Do that.

If you don’t want to do anything. Then don’t

Honour yourself by allowing yourself to …

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Green is the colour of Healing

In my Colour Therapy course I am learning more about colours’ impact on our lives and how we can use colours to improve our environment and how we live.

Green is midway in the colour spectrum and contains both a physical and a spiritual nature, in equal balance and equal harmony.  Green is the colour of Nature and the earth, helping us connect with empathy to others and the natural world. We instinctively seek it out when under stress or experiencing emotional trauma. It creates a feeling of …

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Sacred scars

Part of my creative process is do some grounding meditation beforehand. Today I chose a card from the #whitelightoracle deck. The card is Sacred Scars. I place my hand on my heart and read the following:
“I am a divine soul on a secret journey. The wounds that are healing are
where the light is most active within me. When pain gets my attention it is the divine wisdom within, asking me to notice and learn something helpful and compassionate. My scars are signs of wisdom gained. The light can an…

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Assemblage Art

Being a fairly short person, I shorten my skirts, dresses and pants. I am left with all these beautiful pieces of fabric which find their way into my paintings. Working with the fabric and some heavy gel medium, I have the hands on fun of building part of the painting - a scarf, collar, headscarf… anything!
This type of work is just about play and the beautiful escape that creativity can be❤️

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Yoga & Creativity

Yoga and meditation are very connected to our creativity.
They help in shifting energy and clearing our minds so we can tap back into our creative nature. Since my time @grailspringsretreat I have been practicing #yinyoga . Yin yoga is quiet and meditative, it works deeply into our body with passive, longer-held poses.
The quiet stillness of yin allows me to see my inner self a bit more clearly. It magnifies everything. That is where the magic is! #creativeflow

My Australian Shepherd has perfect…

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Hug a tree

It is -29 this morning. I still headed out into the woods with my dog. This grounding time in nature sets me up for a strong creative flow. The cold air clears my brain and cleans my lungs. This is always one of the highlights of my day.
I lean on this tree and feel its strength and feel the assurance that nature is a constant. It will always be here and I can share in its strength when I need it, and that no matter what is happening in my life, or in the world, I can still, right now, step ou…

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